Warilla Public School

We work as a team

Telephone02 4295 1867




Every Monday afternoon at 2.20pm, a Kindergarten to Year 6 assembly is held in the school hall. The assembly is held to inform the children on the week’s happenings and to present special awards. Parents are welcome to attend these assemblies and will be notified if their child is receiving an award.

Public speaking competition

All students will be required to prepare and present a speech to their class. Each class teacher will choose four children who will proceed to the Stage Final. From the Stage Final, four children will be chosen to proceed to the School Final.


Every second year the students in Year 3 to Year 6 have the chance to participate in Wakakirri. In 2011, the students of Warilla Public School’s Wakakirri Story Dance group were awarded second place. 

Excursion notes

If there is a planned excursion, the class teacher will send home a note requesting your permission for your child to attend. Information will be provided on excursion destination, departure and arrival times and the cost of the excursion. All excursion notes must be returned and placed in the green box outside of the front office.

Excursions and school performance programs

Class and Stage groups are regularly taken on excursions outside the school to consolidate their class studies. Children are expected to wear full school uniform on such occasions. In addition, musicians, performers and specialist speakers visit the school to further enhance the school’s educational programs.

Costs for these activities are met by the student’s family. However, should a family be experiencing financial difficulties, other arrangements can be made.